Welcome to the world of Creativity and Technology!
What is Creativity?
Creativity is not about money. Creativity is not about jobs. Creativity is not about a career to pursue. I have learned that being creative is a choice. A state of mind. You can choose to be creative. You should choose to be creative. It’s good for you. It’s all about looking at life from a completely different perspective. It’s about being open to something new. About allowing yourself the right of expressing your thoughts and emotions.

It is beyond usual-stepping out of the box which can be explained in many ways. In my thoughts, creativity is something which is perfection (either in terms of solving problem or optimisation), uniqueness which looks good to human eye (either in terms of craft or any hobbies) and most important inner satisfaction.
Now, what is Technology?
It is a very broad definition that can be summed in the following way. The word ‘technology’ is derived from ‘techne’ and logia, two Greek words. ‘Techne’ means science. It also stands for the philosophical meaning of using scientific knowledge. ‘Logia’ means the art of using skills and different techniques to accomplish a particular motive.
After combining both the Greek words, the perfect definition is derived as — ‘The art of using specific scientific skills and knowledge to accomplish a motive of making an approach better and easier.’
Now comes Creative Technology!
Here I want to share my experience. In creative terms, I like doing art and craft, drawing, making pop-up cards and photography. Reflecting my ideas in terms of creativity gives me satisfaction. In terms of technology, it includes Applications and Software. Just mapping of my creativity with technology : Creativity — Technology
Art and Craft, Drawing — Digital Art Applications to enhance it.
Pop Up Cards — Artificial Intelligence for recognizing the objects (Mostly Coding Part).
Photography — Adobe Photoshop or various photo editing apps.
Creativity does by no means have to be limited to finding an original idea. People can add to different concepts and this can also be called creativity and technology helps our creativity by guiding us to make our ideas better.
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